Green Meetings & Green Events


The Eventery® was awarded the Austrian Eco-Label by the Federal Ministry for the Environment in 2018, in recognition of its efforts to sustainably reduce energy and water consumption, minimise waste, and dispose of waste adequately. In addition, we are extremely careful when it comes to selecting our suppliers, both in terms of flavour and fairness, from drinks to coffee all the way to regionally sourced produce.


The Eventery® sets great store by regionalism. We source most our drinks within a 50 km radius of Vienna and our vegetables from farms in the vicinity wherever possible. 

We also need your support

To avoid food waste, we kindly ask all guests to cancel their participation in good time if they are unable to attend. In this way, the amount of food required can be calculated more accurately and the amount of food left over can be kept to a minimum.

Commitment to energy efficiency

The Erste Campus, seat of The Eventery®, is also run on sustainable principles.  For instance, a photovoltaic system on its roof produces electricity for the building, and cisterns in the cellar collect rainwater that is used for the toilet facilities. Two of many resource-friendly measures in our immediate surroundings!


In our mind, sustainability also means diversity. At the Erste Campus, employees from more than 70 nations help look after our customers on a daily basis.  A diverse team of women and men of all ages, ethnicities and religions keep things running smoothly in front of and behind the scenes.

Thank you that we have already saved so much take-away packaging at Erste Campus!

Always be
up to date!

Find out more about us and sign up for the food group by Erste newsletter!